
Thismysticworldofendlessskies,colorfulislandsandancientruinsisindangeroffallingintodarkness.Asoneofthelastfewshapeshifters,youaresent ...,,,,Transformintoabirdandflytoexploreandexperienceavibrantworldoffloatingislandsinthesky.Venturedownintolostancientruinswhereeachstep ...,Thegame'sstoryrevolvesaroundagirlnamedAukwhocanshapeshiftintoabird.Setonfloatingislands,themaincharactermustsolvepuzzles,...


This mystic world of endless skies, colorful islands and ancient ruins is in danger of falling into darkness. As one of the last few shapeshifters, you are sent ...

AER Memories of Old on Steam

Transform into a bird and fly to explore and experience a vibrant world of floating islands in the sky. Venture down into lost ancient ruins where each step ...


The game's story revolves around a girl named Auk who can shapeshift into a bird. Set on floating islands, the main character must solve puzzles, discovering ...


Transform into a bird and fly to explore and experience a vibrant world of floating islands in the sky. Venture down into lost ancient ruins where each step ...

冒險遊戲新作《AER:古老記憶》公開轉變成「鳥」翱翔於各 ...

2017年10月26日 — 由瑞典獨立團隊Forgotten Key 開發冒險遊戲新作《AER:古老記憶(暫譯,原名:AER: Memories of Old)》已推出,並登上Steam、PS4、Xbox One 平台。